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Gateway Transportation Investments
Room to Grow 
Sufficient Skilled Labour
Policy, Taxation & Regulatory Framework
Realizing the Vision

Gateway Transportation Investments

Massive investments are needed in both transportation infrastructure and public transit to ensure the Gateway can handle projected expansion in transportation demands for local and international movements of passengers, goods and services. The core of the Gateway Council’s vision for infrastructure investment is the Major Commercial Tranportation System.

Room to Grow - Sufficient Industrial Lands

To handle growth in Pacific trade and travel and the high-wage permanent jobs that would be generated, requires that sufficient available industrial lands be set aside for Gateway developments, and that residential and commercial developments be concentrated along transportation corridors that are readily serviceable by public transit.

Sufficient Skilled Labour

Rapid gateway growth is occurring at a time of high economic activity in Western Canada. The situation in the Gateway is compounded by the high cost of housing and an aging workforce. Ways and means must be found to ensure the availability of adequate numbers of skilled employees to meet Gateway needs over the coming decades.

Policy, Taxation & Regulatory Framework

Changes in a range of policy, taxation and regulatory approaches are needed to allow the Gateway to compete effectively in the global marketplace and encourage Gateway industries to make the necessary capital investments in plant, equipment and technologies and so help ensure a sustainable future.